Issue 263 | 11/08/2021
EOC reaches over 100,000 with online campaign for breastfeeding equality
In celebration of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August), the EOC went all out on social media over the past week, from a photo hashtag blitz to law explainers...
Lessons on equality from the Tokyo Olympics
EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin recently published an article in the South China Morning Post, Inmedia and StandNews, reflecting on the message of...
Organisations share insight into benefits of D&I in EOC’s new video series
Finding yourself in an echo chamber at work? Maybe it is time to embed greater diversity and inclusion (D&I) into your organisation...
Leverage resources from Social Welfare Department to support your employees with disabilities
“We do want to hire more talents with disabilities, but we’re worried if we have the resources to adequately accommodate their needs.” From time to time...