Equal Opportunities Commission


Universal Accessibility Pledge

To encourage premises which encounter hardships in retrofitting existing facilities to meet accessibility standards, the Universal Accessibility Pledge (UA Pledge) is introduced for these premises to show their commitment in actualising an enabling environment. In addition, premises that are not eligible for applying for the Award are also welcome to join the UA Pledge and share their innovative design(s) (if any) with wider community.

Interested parties may complete the form below to join the UA Pledge, describing how the current design of the facilities or services in your premises can support people with diverse needs. Completed form should be sent to the EOC by email (UDAS@eoc.org.hk). The EOC will assess and evaluate if the facilities or services provided by the company/ organisation align with Universal Design principles and are suitable for the UA Pledge. Companies/ organisations will be presented with an e-certificate as a recognition for their commitment after the pledge is validated by the EOC.

Premises that already applied for UDAS do not need to submit UA Pledge.

Submission Deadline: 30 August 2024 (Friday)

Result Announcement: October 2024



  1. The file size of the completed form should be less than 10MB.
  2. Information, photos and videos collected via the UA Pledge may be showcased in EOC’s website, publications, social media platforms and other channels if appropriate.
  3. The EOC will publish the list of signatories containing the names of companies or organisations through its website, publications, social media platforms and other channels.
  4. The UA Pledge and the results thereof shall not in any way affect or prejudice the EOC’s exercise of its statutory functions and powers under the four anti-discrimination ordinances, including but not limited to the investigation of complaints.