選擇年份 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 2007 2006 2002 2001 2000 2007 有關兩性平等的研討會 : 兩性平等的進程 - 瑞典和香港的情況 19/01/2007 Achieving equality - have we made a difference? by Mr. Raymond TANG, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong (Presentation 英文版) Case Law on Gender Equality by Mr. Herman POON, Chief Legal Counsel, Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong (Presentation 英文版) Promoting Gender Equality in Education by Dr. K.K. CHAN, Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development), Education and Manpower Bureau, Government of Hong Kong SAR (Presentation 英文版) On Hong Kong's Scene, how relevant is Gender in Recruitment - Business Perspective by Mr. Eddie NG, Chairman of HKIHRM International Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (Presentation 英文版) Achieving equality - have we made a difference? by Mr. Raymond TANG, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong (Full paper 英文版) Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace by Dr. Lars PLANTIN, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, School of Health and Society, Malmo University, Sweden (Full paper 英文版) Combining Work and Family Life - How do we get a family friendly work life by Dr. Lars PLANTIN, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social WorkSchool of Health and Society, Malmo University, Sweden (Full paper 英文版) Gender Equality Policy in Sweden by Ms. Gunilla STERNER, Adviser, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality, Sweden (Full paper 英文版)