- 平等機會委員會酒會 「了解平等機會─就平等機會施政方針」講話 — 香港平等機會委員會主席 王見秋先生講辭 10/10/2003
- Foreign Correspondents' Club Luncheon “The Role and Work of the Equal Opportunities Commission – Its Impact and Challenges”(只備英文版)— Speech by Ms Anna Wu, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission 02/06/2003
- Global Summit Colloquium on Global Diversity: Creating a Level Playing Field for Women, Washington, D.C. “International Assignments and Equity Compliance: A Global Outlook”(只備英文版)— Speech by Ms Anna Wu, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission 25/04/2003
Rights and Obligations under CEDAW
Organised by Human Rights Commission of Malaysia “CEDAW: The Hong Kong Experience”(只備英文版)— Speech by Ms Anna Wu, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission 17/03/2003