“Why Should We Care?”
We tend to take things for granted. For example, travelling smoothly from home to office, or taking a bus or the MTR and being right on time, or entering a restaurant and being served without fuss. These simple daily routines seem to come effortlessly to many of us.

The Great Challenge
Ever since the change in its leadership, many people have been keeping an eye on the Equal Opportunities Commission to see what path it takes. I have often been asked about my vision for the EOC, as its new chairperson.

My Vision
On 10 February 2010, I attended a meeting of the Panel on Constitutional Affairs of the Legislative Council where I expressed my vision and mission as the new Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC).

Who’s the Prettiest of Them All?
Every now and then we receive feedback from the public expressing their concerns on issues related to equal opportunities. One such issue that keeps coming up is the common perception towards physical beauty and the effect it has on people.