We all deserve the right to a life free from threat of sexual harassment
In October, representatives from the Equal Opportunities Commission travelled to Geneva to make a presentation on Hong Kong to the UN committee on the elimination of discrimination against women.

Foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong should not have to suffer abuse in silence
Today is International Migrants Day – an opportune moment for us to celebrate the positive role played around the world by different types of migrants. In Hong Kong, the most visible example of this is the very valuable contributions made by foreign domestic workers, particularly in alleviating family care responsibilities and enabling many to, in turn, return to their careers.

All Hong Kong citizens have a responsibility to build inclusive society
In reviewing the discrimination law, the commission is not trying to "create rights out of thin air". Rather, according to the Bill of Rights and the Basic Law, each person has intrinsic and universal rights, which deserve adequate protection.

Greater discrimination protection will benefit all in Hong Kong
In July, the Equal Opportunities Commission launched a public consultation on the review of the discrimination law to consider how the existing anti-discrimination ordinances can be improved to better promote equality for everyone in Hong Kong.

「歧視條例檢討」— 看清事實 坦誠討論 (Chinese only)

Change for the Better… or Worse?
On 9 July 2014, the Legislative Council will resume its second and third reading of the Marriage (Amendment) Bill. The bill was gazetted in February to implement the order of the Court of Final Appeal, in the case of W v the Registrar of Marriages.

All families joined by love are worthy of celebration
York Chow says a celebration of family – and the love and commitment it represents – cannot exclude people who happen to fall outside our narrow view of what constitutes the 'ideal' unit

A denial of dignity
York Chow says a proposed legal requirement for a transgender person to undergo full sex reassignment surgery before being granted the same marriage rights as others has no place in a civilised society

Inclusive classroom must embrace children with special education needs
York Chow lays out the steps we can take to provide the best education for all Hong Kong children, not least those with special needs. That begins with a pledge to embrace diversity