Equal Opportunities Commission


Chairperson’s Articles


全面採納通用設計 建造全民皆可使用的共融環境 (Chinese only)

全面採納通用設計 建造全民皆可使用的共融環境 (Chinese only)


便利措施方便有特別需要選民 平機會呼籲選民12月10日齊投票 (Chinese only)
EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky Chu Man-kin visited the mock polling station in North Point Community Hall to review the facilitation measures to be provided on the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election polling day for electors with special needs.

便利措施方便有特別需要選民 平機會呼籲選民12月10日齊投票 (Chinese only)


消除污名有助有精神健康需要人士正面面對問題 (Chinese only)
An upset teen girl sits on floor sadly with school bag and books on her side

消除污名有助有精神健康需要人士正面面對問題 (Chinese only)


How Hong Kong will benefit from a more diverse civil service

How Hong Kong will benefit from a more diverse civil service

With the government encouraging its departments to pay attention to one of the biggest challenges to the employment of ethnic minorities in civil service jobs – the Chinese language – there will hopefully be more tangible diversity.`

There are many benefits to having greater diversity in the civil service. For a start, it “mainstreams” ethnic minorities and makes these communities, which have deep roots in Hong Kong, more visible to the general populace. This visibility can dispel many unconscious biases and prejudices that may have arisen from a lack of interaction.

平機會推餐飲通用設計指南 支援殘疾人士通達無障生活 (Chinese only)

平機會推餐飲通用設計指南 支援殘疾人士通達無障生活 (Chinese only)


Policies for ethnic minority groups require respect for culture

Policies for ethnic minority groups require respect for culture

The Equal Opportunities Commission has long advocated for equal access to goods, facilities and services. To ensure equal access to services, in particular, these services must be made culturally sensitive, appropriate and relevant to the needs of the service user.

We are glad to see that the policy address has specifically addressed the needs of ethnic minorities, particularly low-income families. A centre offering counselling services to ethnic minorities will be set up on a trial basis, in collaboration with NGOs. We are hopeful it will strengthen healthcare support for ethnic minority groups. 

啟發青年 擁抱平等 平機會招募大專生成為平等機會青年大使 (Chinese only)
A group photo of 2022/23 Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors and guests at the Recognition Ceremony.

啟發青年 擁抱平等 平機會招募大專生成為平等機會青年大使 (Chinese only)



平機會關注照顧者壓力 提出多項支援照顧者措施的建議 (Chinese only)
A carer is standing by the side of an old woman with a smiling face on a wheelchair

平機會關注照顧者壓力 提出多項支援照顧者措施的建議 (Chinese only)


平機會舉辦精神健康研討會 促進媒體平衡報道和消除歧視 (Chinese only)
A group photo of the representatives of the EOC, the Advisory Committee on Mental Health and the Hong Kong News Executives’ Association, as well as the speakers and sharing guests taken at the Seminar on Media Reporting of Mental Health Issues.

平機會舉辦精神健康研討會 促進媒體平衡報道和消除歧視 (Chinese only)


Any Hong Kong housing solution must also serve ethnic minorities

Any Hong Kong housing solution must also serve ethnic minorities

As Hong Kong continues to make housing a priority, with the shortage of affordable and appropriate housing repeatedly coming up as one of the biggest social issues the city faces, we should bear in mind that housing is more than just four walls and a roof above.

While the lack of affordable housing is a citywide issue, some pockets of the population may face further difficulties. Though measures are in place to help low-income groups in general, disadvantaged ethnic minority communities are not necessarily a focus. World Habitat Day falls on October 2, and now is a good time to try and gain a deeper understanding of this demographic and the obstacles they face.

各界合力遏止校園性騷擾歪風蔓延 (Chinese only)
Six young people are walking on a path with trees around

各界合力遏止校園性騷擾歪風蔓延 (Chinese only)


懷孕歧視屬違法行為 僱主不應對懷孕僱員作差別對待 (Chinese only)
A pregnant woman is holding a file and a pen in an office

懷孕歧視屬違法行為 僱主不應對懷孕僱員作差別對待 (Chinese only)


職場性騷擾零容忍 僱主僱員同樣有責 (Chinese only)
A man sexually harassed a female by putting his hand on her shoulder

職場性騷擾零容忍 僱主僱員同樣有責 (Chinese only)



Fixing the problem of Chinese language acquisition

Fixing the problem of Chinese language acquisition

At a time when Hong Kong is facing a looming personnel crunch with an aging population and declining birthrates and is in a competition with neighbors to attract talent, it is critical for us to develop the talent pool we have in the form of our non-Chinese young people. They are ready to serve Hong Kong, a city they call home. All they need are the tools to make that a reality. Let us not fail them.

建立友善哺乳工作間 保障女性免受餵哺母乳歧視及騷擾 (Chinese only)
The poster “Say No to Breastfeeding Discrimination”

建立友善哺乳工作間 保障女性免受餵哺母乳歧視及騷擾 (Chinese only)

每年8月的第一個星期是「國際母乳哺育周」,全球170多個國家均參與不同形式的慶祝和教育活動,旨在喚起社會各界對母乳餵哺的關注。今年「國際母乳哺育周」的主題是「促成母乳餵哺:為職場家長創造改變」(Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents),重點關注餵哺母乳的在職婦女,並藉此推動職場的母乳餵哺權,讓哺乳婦女在產後重返工作崗位時得到適當的支援。

平機會呼籲性騷擾受害人具名投訴 讓個案得以跟進 (Chinese only)
A women showing a #MeToo sign

平機會呼籲性騷擾受害人具名投訴 讓個案得以跟進 (Chinese only)


教育特教生挑戰大 平機會籲家校合作及增加師資培訓 (Chinese only)
A teacher and students in a classroom

教育特教生挑戰大 平機會籲家校合作及增加師資培訓 (Chinese only)


本港家庭友善僱傭措施未普及 平機會鼓勵僱主支援有家庭責任的僱員 (Chinese only)
Parents and their daughter lie on grass happily

本港家庭友善僱傭措施未普及 平機會鼓勵僱主支援有家庭責任的僱員 (Chinese only)


In improving Hong Kong’s mental health, do not forget domestic workers

In improving Hong Kong’s mental health, do not forget domestic workers

With International Domestic Workers Day falling in June, there is no better time to discuss how we can protect the mental well-being of  foreign domestic workers, a substantial crew of important contributors to Hong Kong, in their roles as caregivers and helpers.

放下歧視 除去標籤 正面對待精神病患者 (Chinese only)
A man is sitting at a corner with helping hands around him

放下歧視 除去標籤 正面對待精神病患者 (Chinese only)


An inclusive environment is needed to enhance Hong Kong’s tourist-friendly image

An inclusive environment is needed to enhance Hong Kong’s tourist-friendly image

As widely reported by the media this week, Hong Kong’s home-grown air carrier found itself embroiled in controversy when its cabin crews were accused of discrimination and insulting Mandarin-speaking passengers. A leaked audio recording, released by a Mainland netizen, revealed that the flight attendants made derogatory remarks and made fun of the passengers.

Ensure inclusion before fostering diversity

Ensure inclusion before fostering diversity

Having diversity alone is inadequate if it does not go hand in hand with inclusion, equity or belonging.  For Hong Kong, the talent focus currently seems to be on getting the diversity numbers, but I would urge all those concerned to ensure the inclusion elements are well in place. It is important to bear in mind that the latter is a bigger challenge as it concerns mindsets and behavior. Understandably, it is also a slower process.


藉勞動節看《殘疾歧視條例》如何保障僱員免受殘疾歧視及騷擾 (Chinese only)
Two people sitting at the table shake hands with each other. One sitting in the middle clap his hands.

藉勞動節看《殘疾歧視條例》如何保障僱員免受殘疾歧視及騷擾 (Chinese only)

下周一便是5月1 日國際勞動節,亦是香港疫情過後踏入復常路的第一個勞動節。新冠病毒病過去三年在香港肆虐,打擊經濟之餘,更令不少打工仔失去工作。有些僱員更因為感染了新冠病毒病而被解僱或不獲聘用。現行的《殘疾歧視條例》保障殘疾人士在僱傭範疇免受歧視,受到歧視的人可以向平等機會委員會作出投訴。

平等機會青年大使透過體驗式活動學習平等、多元、共融 (Chinese only)
The Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors enjoyed the traditional food at the Sikh Temple.

平等機會青年大使透過體驗式活動學習平等、多元、共融 (Chinese only)


Hong Kong must overhaul Chinese-language learning to give ethnic minorities a fair chance
Hong Kong must overhaul Chinese-language learning to give ethnic minorities a fair chance

Hong Kong must overhaul Chinese-language learning to give ethnic minorities a fair chance

The Equal Opportunities Commission’s theme for this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, held on March 21, is a lofty one – “All Races As One”. It may sound simplistic but requires nuanced understanding. It is not implied that differences in people should be ignored due to their race. That would be a huge mistake.
Instead, the message being conveyed is one of being culturally sensitive, which means being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist but without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong.

香港家書:消除歧視和偏見 正面對待精神病患者 (Chinese only)
消除歧視和偏見  正面對待精神病患者

香港家書:消除歧視和偏見 正面對待精神病患者 (Chinese only)




響應「國際消除種族歧視日」 平機會舉行連串活動推動種族共融 (Chinese only)
為了響應3月21日的「國際消除種族歧視日」,平機會舉行連串活動推動種族共融,今年的主題是「推動平等  不分你我」。

響應「國際消除種族歧視日」 平機會舉行連串活動推動種族共融 (Chinese only)



研究指精神病患者被歧視普遍 平機會冀加強教育及制訂反歧視政策 (Chinese only)

研究指精神病患者被歧視普遍 平機會冀加強教育及制訂反歧視政策 (Chinese only)



放下歧視偏見 說好香港故事 (Chinese only)

放下歧視偏見 說好香港故事 (Chinese only)


晚期病患照顧者遭職場歧視 疫情期間承受額外壓力 (Chinese only)

晚期病患照顧者遭職場歧視 疫情期間承受額外壓力 (Chinese only)



How did Hong Kong score on racial equality and inclusion in 2022?

How did Hong Kong score on racial equality and inclusion in 2022?

A single word sums up the challenge to racial inclusion in Hong Kong: Bias. If left unchallenged, bias can lead to prejudice, stereotyping and ultimately discrimination.

As the city opens its doors and welcomes the world back in, we must live up to our image as an international city, a melting pot with historical diversity as part of its very fabric. Here’s hoping for true progress towards an equal and inclusive Hong Kong in the new year.




「平等機會青年大使計劃」向大專生推廣平等共融價值 (Chinese only)
Mr Ricky CHU, Chairperson of the EOC; Mr Gary WONG Chi-him, Convenor of Community Participation and Publicity Committee of the EOC and Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors at the orientation gathering of the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme.

「平等機會青年大使計劃」向大專生推廣平等共融價值 (Chinese only)


香港性教育普遍不足 平機會倡各界攜手解決問題 (Chinese only)

香港性教育普遍不足 平機會倡各界攜手解決問題 (Chinese only)



Hong Kong’s youth development blueprint mustn’t forget those from ethnic minority groups

Hong Kong’s youth development blueprint mustn’t forget those from ethnic minority groups

The Government has released a youth development blueprint which comprehensively lists the challenges faced by Hong Kong youth today and possible actions to support them in overcoming those challenges.   Let’s make sure that Hong Kong’s ethnic minority youth are counted in.  
