淺說人權(二):無分地域的人權工作 (Chinese only)

淺說人權(一):未忘苦難‧保障人權 (Chinese only)
今年是聯合國慶祝「世界人權宣言」60周年紀念,全球有多項慶祝或紀念活動1 。

Indecent photos on the Internet (1) -- In Perspective
There has been widespread online circulation of indecent photos, allegedly portraying entertainment artists. The media latched onto the story, giving it highly visible and leading coverage day after day complete with numerous photos, graphics and descriptive texts. As a result, the story has become the talk of the town.

Indecent Photos on the Internet (2) -- Joint Statement by Women’s Groups (Chinese only)

Ponder Before You Say No : In Memory of Li Ching (II)
Li Ching passed her HKCEE with flying colours despite her hearing impairment. At her interview with the media, the 17-year-old inspired readers with these words: "The only way for me is to go forward. The more obstacles I face, the harder I fight."

Discrimination Hurts: In Memory of Li Ching (I)
March 1st, 2008 was a sad day for us – it’s the day we lost Li Ching. An admirable fighter who braved hearing impairment to achieve academic success and recognition at international chess competitions, Li finally decided to put an end to it all by taking her own life.

Sweden Study Tour (4) - Generous Parental Leave
When we talk about Sweden, its much-talked-about parental insurance system and parental leave come readily to mind.

Sweden Study Tour (3) - Observations about Gender Equality
Sweden is well known worldwide for its gender equality policies and practices. The following statistics are worth noting :
- 79% of women are in employment 1. (In Hong Kong 52.1% 2 of women are employed.)
- Women's average income is 92% of men's. (This compares with 73% 3 in Hong Kong.)

Sweden Study Tour (2) -- Equality is a mainstream concept
In addition to its ease of access, we were also struck by the strong impression that in Sweden the spirit of equality is a deep-rooted mainstream concept.

Sweden Study Tour (1) -- A Barrier-free City
If persons with disabilities are provided with facilities and access that meet their needs, they can enjoy the same independent lifestyle as everyone else.