摒除心中偏見 人人得享平等 (Chinese only)

Ghetto treatment blocks advance of Hong Kong's ethnic minority students
York Chow says our education system - and society at large - is failing ethnic minority students by not giving them a fair chance to overcome their difficulties in learning Chinese

Hong Kong must do right by its transgender minority
In May, the Court of Final Appeal set a milestone for this city with its judgment on the case of Ms W, a post-operative male-to-female transsexual, who fought, against the odds, to be recognised as a woman and for the right to marry the man she loves.

Start with Respect
York Chow says diverse views over issues of gender, sexual orientation and the law need to be fully discussed in public in order to help overcome stereotyping and discrimination

性傾向歧視立法對家庭價值、言論自由與逆向歧視的影響 (Chinese only)

變性人、雙性人與跨性別人士的平等權利 (Chinese only)

Equal Chance
York Chow says while Hong Kong may not be the world's most racist society, prejudice - often at a subconscious level - still pervades the city, and the problem needs to be tackled at all levels

Equal Chance
Recently, there has been much media coverage over the results of the global World Values Survey, which seemed to indicate that seven out of 10 Hongkongers do not wish to live next to someone of a different race. For a few days, it appeared that Hong Kong was the most racially intolerant of all the places surveyed.