「3 歲定 80」也適用於少數族裔 (Chinese only)
美國作家 Robert Fulghum 的名著〝All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten〞(中譯本名為《生命中不可錯過的智慧》),點出幼稚園教育對一個人的影響至為深遠,我心有同感,早期教育的益處向來都有理據支持。

Hong Kong Needs a Pro-Family Attitude
Lam Woon-kwong advocates changing our work-fixated culture to encourage a more fulfilling home life, and says bosses can lead the way.

Everyone benefits when we speak up against stigma
The recent suicide of a young doctor who was allegedly living with HIV is a tragic reminder, once again, of the destructiveness of stigma and discrimination.