性教育與兩性關係 (Chinese only)
傷健共融指數 (Chinese only)
Time is ripe for Hong Kong to introduce duty to provide reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities
The latest Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report, released by the Census and Statistics Department last month, was widely covered by the media because of its dire finding that more than one in every five Hongkongers were living below the poverty line in 2020.
香港人的平等機會意識 (Chinese only)
為了解公眾對平等機會意識的最新狀況,以及對平機會工作的看法,平機會在今年2月至4月進行了「平等機會意識公眾意見調查2021」,透過電話成功訪問了1 501名15歲或以上的被訪者。這是平機會自1998年以來第六次進行的同類型調查,調查結果已於早前公布。

Hong Kong kindergartens must do more to accept and integrate ethnic minority children
In Hong Kong, the competition for opportunities begins early, with getting into the kindergarten of choice being the first step. While all Hong Kong parents face the same process, we at the Equal Opportunities Commission, are frequently made aware of how much harder it is for the underprivileged among the non-Chinese communities.
《我是照顧者》(Chinese only)
無障礙設施 (Chinese only)

Hong Kong’s housing crisis discussion must home in on the struggles of ethnic minority residents
The recent impetus given to tackling housing issues and the flurry of outreach efforts by senior officials to those from grass-root communities, particularly people living in subdivided units, is timely. October 4 was World Habitat Day, when we were invited to reflect on the state of our towns and cities, and the basic right of all to adequate shelter.
打擊影像性暴力行為 (Chinese only)
消除基於居民身份的歧視 (Chinese only)

Religious head coverings for barristers a win for diversity
共融在校園 (Chinese only)

With shield of Hong Kong law, no one should suffer racism in silence
The public reactions generated by reports of an alleged incident of racial profiling at a cosmetics outlet last month, first posted on social media and later picked up by this paper, highlight people’s growing awareness of behaviour and attitudes that may constitute racially biased treatment, and the power of voicing out concerns to seek justice.

莘莘學子上學去 (Chinese only)

消除隔閡 共襄盛舉 (Chinese only)

香港之光:為殘疾運動員喝采 (Chinese only)

餵哺母乳 不容歧視 (Chinese only)

Hong Kong must learn the Olympic lesson of valuing diversity, inclusion and solidarity
As I sat glued to the television watching the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, the words of Thomas Bach, the International Olympic Committee President struck a strong chord with me. The speech was peppered with words like “solidarity”, “equality”, “respect” and “diversity”, words that I often use in my speeches as head of Hong Kong’s equality body...

殘疾騷擾、種族騷擾和性騷擾 (Chinese only)

傷健齊繪美麗維港 (Chinese only)
《性別歧視條例》保障女性免因餵哺母乳而受到歧視和騷擾 (Chinese only)

More than gratitude, Hong Kong’s foreign domestic workers are due respect

共同工作場所使用者免受騷擾的保障 (Chinese only)

Hong Kong must do more to build on the strength of its diversity
平等機會僱主嘉許計劃 (Chinese only)

RTHK 3 Letter to Hong Kong

種族共融在於彼此尊重和去除偏見 (Chinese only)
提到種族主義,人人急於劃清界線。若被冠以種族主義者之名,必趕忙澄清,大聲呼冤。 但從歷史中不斷重覆的種族壓迫,以致最近在西方社會發起的 Black Lives Matter 和 Stop Asian Hate 運動中所見,並非出現暴力行為才算是種族主義冒起,遠在暴力出現前,具種族主義意味的觀念其實早已在社會中滋長,並透過冒犯的語言和偏執的定型在日常生活中蔓延。

推廣種族平等物業租賃 (Chinese only)

Better use of education resources for non-Chinese students called for
Education stopped being a luxury and became a basic need a long time ago. However, whether that education is equal in terms of quality and access is a moot point.

Letter to the Editor of SCMP: Mutant Covid-19 strain in Hong Kong: media must avoid fueling dangerous generalisations

加強保障僱員免受歧視和騷擾 (Chinese only)

照顧照顧者 (Chinese only)

Anti-Asian Hate Movement has Lessons for All of Us
With the “Stop Asian Hate” movement coming on the heels of the Black Lives Matter movement, I am dismayed at the inherent nature of human beings to look at differences and create divisions. “Stop Asian Hate” is not just a US or Europe challenge.

保障餵哺母乳免受騷擾 (Chinese only)

Chinese language education is key in fight for racial equality
Psycholinguist Frank Smith used to say "one language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way". And the absence of language closes many doors.

國際消除種族歧視日 (Chinese only)

女性的社會參與和地位 (Chinese only)

展示弱勢社群心聲的攝影展 (Chinese only)

拆除種族壁壘 㩦手抗疫 (Chinese only)

香港家書:訂立反性騷擾政策絕非紙上談兵 (Chinese only)

影像性暴力 (Chinese only)

「真․相」攝影展 (Chinese only)