Respect starts with early acts in life
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has condemned the action of a taxi driver who recently posted on the internet a photo of a passenger breastfeeding an infant.

迎難而上的二零一七:不畏艱辛 勇闖前途! (Chinese only)

20 years on and the fight against bias continues
In the blink of an eye, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has completed 20 years of serving the Hong Kong community. On 20 December 1996, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, under which the EOC was established, came into full force when its employment-related provisions became effective.

Time to back gay rights under the law
A downpour and chilly weather did little to dampen 6,800 participants’ desire for sexual minorities to enjoy the same basic rights as everybody else.

Help special needs students succeed in Hong Kong universities
Does the name Lung Wai-hin ring a bell? She was the girl who appeared in a memorable TV commercial from more than a decade ago that uplifted the spirits of people in Hong Kong in the midst of the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic. Her cheerful face and “happy dance” are still at the back of many minds today.

人皆有母 為何歧視? (Chinese only)

保障性小眾免受歧視 (Chinese only)

廿載耕耘 信念如一 (Chinese only)

Exploring our kaleidoscope of cultures
If we have to count the favorite pastimes of Hong Kong people, traveling will no doubt rank high. While a lot of people go abroad with their mind set on good food and shopping sprees, more and more are motivated by curiosity about other cultures.

建設無障礙香港 (Chinese only)

廿載奮進平權路 (Chinese only)

再談殘疾人士院舍之性侵與凌虐事件 (Chinese only)

多元文化 繽紛節慶 (Chinese only)

Urgent call to protect people with disabilities living in residential care homes
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is deeply disappointed that the sexual assault case involving the former superintendant of a private residential care home for people with disabilities (PWDs) had to be dropped by the court and that the rights of the victim, a former resident of the care home, are not protected. That said, the EOC will not comment on the details of the case, as there may be further new developments.

奮進平權二十年 (Chinese only)

Superhuman achievements
In the midst of the cheers and glory of the Rio Olympics, a friend forwarded to me the trailer for the Paralympic Games, produced by British broadcaster Channel 4, which completely blew my mind.

Using a public toilet should not be a trial
For most people, the natural thing to do when nature calls is to go to the bathroom. But, for transgender people and especially those going through gender transitioning, a visit to a public bathroom often entails jitters, embarrassment and even encounters with the police.

「性騷擾」之迷思 (Chinese only)

Free kindergarten education in Hong Kong is a welcome step towards language equality in class
Since taking up the Chairmanship of the Equal Opportunities Commission in April, I have emphasised my commitment to advancing equal opportunities for marginalised and underprivileged groups in society. One such group is the ethnic minorities. Of particular concern are their education and employment opportunities.

Equality laws need urgent reform if Hong Kong is to keep its status as an international business centre
Twenty years ago, Hong Kong’s first anti-discrimination law, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, came into effect, marking a new era in our city’s aspiration towards building an inclusive society.

Stand against racism
In 1966, the United Nations declared 21 March to be International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – a platform for communities around the world to reflect on their own battles against racism and steps forward.

No one should be excluded because of their sexual identity – we all belong to Hong Kong
Imagine that you are a student. But you dread going to school because, every day, you face cruel taunts from your classmates. During group activities, you are often left on your own. Sometimes, your school work is stolen or you are physically harassed. You feel you can’t seek help from your teachers, who also sometimes ridicule you in front of other students.

Hong Kong must end age discrimination in the workplace
Some say age is just a number. Yet many will contend that it is a number that matters a great deal in the Hong Kong workplace, including in the decision on whether a person should be hired, promoted or made redundant.