Equal Opportunities Commission


Chairperson’s Articles


推動種族平等 創建共融社會 (Chinese only)

推動種族平等 創建共融社會 (Chinese only)


以照顧者為本 建立全面支援 (Chinese only)
A woman takes care of an old lady who sits on a wheel chair. They smile to each other.

以照顧者為本 建立全面支援 (Chinese only)



無障生活障礙重重 平機會籲除有形無形障礙 建真正共融無障社會 (Chinese only)
A person on a wheelchair

無障生活障礙重重 平機會籲除有形無形障礙 建真正共融無障社會 (Chinese only)

聯合國大會在1992年決議通過,將每年12月3日定為「國際復康日」(又名「國際殘疾人日」)(International Day of Persons with Disabilities),藉此促進社會對殘疾議題的了解,推動大眾加強支援殘疾人士,建立共融、無障礙的社會。


平機會呼籲社會大眾關懷ADHD患者及照顧者 (Chinese only)
平機會行政總監(營運)朱崇文博士(中)早前出席了「ADHD關注周」的開幕禮,在他身旁(左二)的是Let’s Talk ADHD及香港成人專注力協會創辦人霍彩玲女士。

平機會呼籲社會大眾關懷ADHD患者及照顧者 (Chinese only)


市民精神健康不合格 平機會建議加強支援在職人士和照顧者 (Chinese only)
「2022精神健康月」籌備委員會主席陸潔玲女士(香港明愛)(左)、 平等機會委員會行政總監(營運)朱崇文博士(中)及香港精神科醫學院副院長(教育事務)林美玲醫生(精神科專科)(右)出席新聞發布會,公布「全港精神健康指數調查2022」的結果。

市民精神健康不合格 平機會建議加強支援在職人士和照顧者 (Chinese only)


To keep talent, we must be a truly inclusive society

To keep talent, we must be a truly inclusive society

It is hard to miss the key areas of emphasis in the Chief Executive’s first policy address. Headings mentioning attracting enterprises and talent appeared early on, and there is no doubt of how seriously this issue is being addressed.

It is clear that diversity adds to the wealth of skills and creativity in Hong Kong.  But we need to make sure the diversity that is brought in can thrive, by providing an inclusive and open environment.

性騷擾絕對不能輕視 (Chinese only)
A person holding a cardboard with an unhappy face

性騷擾絕對不能輕視 (Chinese only)


從「少」着手消除歧視 平機會建議撥款予大學設立平機事務處 (Chinese only)
Guests attended the press conference on the "Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme".

從「少」着手消除歧視 平機會建議撥款予大學設立平機事務處 (Chinese only)


Hong Kong must remove barriers to affordable, adequate housing

Hong Kong must remove barriers to affordable, adequate housing

October 3 is World Habitat Day and this year’s theme is “Mind the Gap. Leave No One and No Place Behind”. Around the world, people are acknowledging the state of inequality in cities and widening social and economic gaps – themes that resonate here in Hong Kong, which is regularly ranked as the world’s least affordable housing market. The income disparity between rich and poor in Hong Kong has only been rising. Given today’s economic reality, affordable and adequate housing is still out of reach for many.

當「特殊教育需要」加上「少數族裔」…… (Chinese Only)

當「特殊教育需要」加上「少數族裔」…… (Chinese Only)


消除負面標籤 確立共融文化 (Chinese only)

消除負面標籤 確立共融文化 (Chinese only)


Court confirms EOC’s complaint-handling as reasonable

Court confirms EOC’s complaint-handling as reasonable

Last month, the High Court refused an application from a citizen (the applicant) for judicial review of various decisions made by the Equal Opportunities Commission in handling a disability discrimination complaint.

疫境下的平等 反歧視條例給護老者的保障 (Chinese only)

疫境下的平等 反歧視條例給護老者的保障 (Chinese only)


Ethnic minority students need more than funding

Ethnic minority students need more than funding

The Equal Opportunities Commision, in consultation with key stakeholders, made several recommendations on improving the Chinese language teaching for non-Chinese speaking students in an extensive report in 2019. Keeping the focus on the outcome, the report gives suggestions on curriculum, teacher training and examination pathways. To be fair, it is not for the want of trying on the part of the government that the Chinese language proficiency among non-Chinese speaking students continues to be an issue.  However, let us not lose sight of the end goal.

2021年全港性騷擾調查 (Chinese only)
Territory-wide Representative Survey on Sexual Harassment in Hong Kong 2021

2021年全港性騷擾調查 (Chinese only)


Let's really learn language of inclusion

Let's really learn language of inclusion

Education is the bedrock of any society and can say a lot about its values. Foundations of equality and inclusion must be laid in educational institutions so they can be carried forth into society as students move into workplace, government and decision-making roles. For any society to be counted upon as equal and just, they must ensure they have these values embedded in their education.

國際家庭日:理解疫情下照顧者承受的壓力 (Chinese only)
A photo showing a happy family

國際家庭日:理解疫情下照顧者承受的壓力 (Chinese only)


平機會首次代表新冠康復者入稟申索 (Chinese only)
A photo showing some books and a gavel

平機會首次代表新冠康復者入稟申索 (Chinese only)


Give helpers the respect they deserve

Give helpers the respect they deserve

Foreign domestic helpers are an integral part of Hong Kong and their contribution should never be undermined. Treat them with respect as one would expect.

勿歧視外觀受損的人士 (Chinese only)
A person with alopecia areata

勿歧視外觀受損的人士 (Chinese only)

上月舉行的第94屆奧斯卡頒獎禮上,出爐影帝威爾史密斯(Will Smith),因不滿頒獎嘉賓克里斯洛克(Chris Rock)在台上拿他太太賈達史密斯(Jada Smith)的斑秃問題開玩笑,衝上台怒摑克里斯洛克,事件震驚各界,成為全球熱話。


關注自閉症人士 (Chinese only)
World Autism Awareness Day

關注自閉症人士 (Chinese only)


Hong Kong Must Pursue True Racial Integration

Hong Kong Must Pursue True Racial Integration

The theme for this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) is “Voices for Action Against Racism” which focuses on strengthening voices that can prevent and stand up against racism.

國際消除種族歧視日 (Chinese only)
United against racism

國際消除種族歧視日 (Chinese only)


團結一致 對抗疫症 (Chinese only)
團結一致  對抗疫症

團結一致 對抗疫症 (Chinese only)


香港家書:不應基於染疫者的背景而歧視整個社群 (Chinese only)
Discrimination has no place in Covid-19 fight

香港家書:不應基於染疫者的背景而歧視整個社群 (Chinese only)



「國際腦癇日」: 認識腦癇症 (Chinese only)
Cover of a booklet related to Epilepsy: a person with epilepsy holds other people' s hands

「國際腦癇日」: 認識腦癇症 (Chinese only)


Discrimination has no place in Covid-19 fight, whether against hamster owners, flight attendants or South Asians

Discrimination has no place in Covid-19 fight, whether against hamster owners, flight attendants or South Asians

In a climate of collective fear, the labelling and targeting of some people is unfortunately commonplace. In every wave of Covid-19 infections, I have made an appeal, as the chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, to the public to not discriminate against an entire industry or community based on the background of the infected person.


平.常.事 (Chinese only)
Photos issued on EOC's Instagram "EO Matters"

平.常.事 (Chinese only)

要吸引年輕人關注平等機會,從社交平台入手是不可或缺的方法。為了與青年分享平等機會的信息,平機會於去年9月推出了Instagram專頁「平.常.事 EO Matters」,希望透過介紹身邊的人和事,把平等機會的概念日常化,讓年輕一代明白平等機會與生活是息息相關,從而啟發他們在生活的每個細節探索平等的可能。

《種族多元共融僱主約章》三周年 (Chinese only)
Four pieces of puzzles in different colours are put together

《種族多元共融僱主約章》三周年 (Chinese only)


