- Public Consultation Completed on The Code of Practice on Employment under the FSDO The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (17 December 1997) that the eight-week public consultation exercise on the Code of Practice on Employment under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) had been completed on 16 December 1997. 17/12/1997
- EOC Commences Review of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance and the Disability Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announces today that it will commence its review of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) and the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) in January 1998. 11/12/1997
- Public Consultation on the Code of Practice on Employment under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (21 October 1997) that the Code of Practice on Employment (the Code) under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) has been published for public consultation. 21/10/1997
- EOC Launches its Training Module on Equal Opportunities for Women & Men at the Workplace The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) launched today (20 October 1997) its second training module : The Training Module on Equal Opportunities for Women & Men. 20/10/1997
- EOC Launches its Training Module on Preventing & Dealing with Sexual Harassment The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) launched today (7 October 1997) its first training module : The Training Module on Preventing and Dealing with Sexual Harassment. 07/10/1997
- Rules and Regulation Made under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announces today (25 September 1997) that it intends to make two sets of rules under the new Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) to facilitate its investigation work. The two sets of rules to be made are the Family Status Discrimination (Investigation and Conciliation) Rules and the Family Status Discrimination (Formal Investigations) Rules. 25/09/1997
- EOC Takes Legal Action Against Publishers for Discriminatory Advertisements Under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (22 September 1997) that it has instituted legal proceedings under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) Cap. 480 against the following publishers as a result of allegations that:- 22/09/1997
- Publication of First EOC Research Report -A Baseline Survey of Equal Opportunities on the Basis of Gender in Hong Kong 1996-1997 The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (8 September 1997) the publication of its first research report : A Baseline Survey of Equal Opportunities on the Basis of Gender in Hong Kong 1996-1997. 08/09/1997
- EOC Takes Legal Action Against Publisher for Discriminatory Advertisement Under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (1 September 1997) that it has instituted legal proceedings against a publisher for publishing a discriminatory advertisement under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), Cap. 480 in the District Court. This is the first legal action of its kind. 01/09/1997
- EOC Gives Legal Assistance in First Civil Case Under Disability Discrimination Ordinance The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (12 August 1997) that it has instituted legal proceedings in its first civil case in the Disctrict Court on behalf of Ms Ma Bik-yung, under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO), Cap. 487. 12/08/1997
- Equal Opportunities Commission Invites Applications For Its 1997/98 Funding Programme (Second Batch) To join hands with the community to create an environment where there is no discrimination and no barriers to equal opportunities, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced the launching of the second batch of its 1997/98 "Community Participation Funding Programme on Equal Opportunities" tomorrow (9 August 1997). The programme will provide funding to community organizations for carrying out projects in promoting equal opportunities. 08/08/1997
- EOC Reminds Schools Not to Discriminate The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (8 August 1997) reminds schools not to discriminate against students with a disability when they apply for Form 6 school places. 08/08/1997
- Equal Opportunities Educational Radio Programme The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) launched its first educational radio programme titled "Talking about Equal Opportunities" with the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) today (19 July 1997) on a very popular Radio II programme : "The Morning Suite". 19/07/1997
- All-China Women's Federation Delegation Visited the Equal Opportunities Commission A delegation from the All-China Women's Federation (the Federation) visited the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (July 18 1997). The Federation's President, Madam Chen Muhua, also the Deputy Chairman of the National People's Congress, met with EOC Chairperson Dr. Fanny Cheung Mui-ching and exchanged views on issues relating to equal opportunities between men and women. 18/07/1997