Equal Opportunities Commission
EOC Launches “Harmony in the Universe” – Online Educational Modules for Primary School Students
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) launches the “Harmony in the Universe” – Online Educational Modules for Primary School Students (educational modules) aimed at promoting equal opportunity messages to primary school students and helping them understand the concept of equal opportunities through a unique and engaging online learning experience.
EOC Welcomes District Court Ruling on a Disability Discrimination Case
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the District Court’s judgment on the assessment of damages in a disability discrimination case (DCEO 3/2024). In this case, a Customer Service Officer at a piano learning centre (the Claimant) was dismissed by her employer (the Respondent) on the ground of her disability and related sick leave during her probation period, constituting an unlawful disability discrimination act under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO). According to the judgment delivered by the Court on 28 November 2024, the Respondent is required to pay to the Claimant a sum of HK$143,000 for injury to feelings and loss of income.
EOC Gives Legal Assistance in a Sexual and Racial Harassment Case
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (6 December 2024) issued legal proceedings under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), Cap. 480, and the Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO), Cap 602, in the District Court on behalf of a person (the Claimant) (Case number: DCEO 11/2024).
EOC Celebrates the 6th Anniversary of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter and Launches Award Scheme
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held a reception today (29 November 2024) at the Grand Auditorium, HKEX Connect Hall to mark the 6th Anniversary of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter (the “Charter”) and celebrate the Charter for surpassing 500 signatories. During the event, which was titled “Marking Milestones”, the EOC also announced the launch of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme (the “Award Scheme”).
EOC Calls for Applications for the Funding Programme of Research Projects on Equal Opportunities 2025/26
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) promotes equal opportunities through the “Funding Programme of Research Projects on Equal Opportunities” (Funding Programme). Riding on the success of the three rounds of the Funding Programme carried out in 2013/14, 2017/18 and 2020/21 respectively, the EOC is launching the Funding Programme again in 2025/26, which provides support to eligible academics and organisations with inspiring ideas to undertake innovative research projects.
EOC Hosts China Disabled Persons’ Federation Delegation and Participates in Greater Bay Area Forum to Deepen Collaboration with Mainland Organisations
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) hosted a visit from the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF) on 8 November 2024 (Friday). The delegation met with the EOC management team and held in-depth exchanges on the welfare of people with disabilities and efforts to promote equal opportunities. From 9 to 10 November, EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau led a delegation comprised of EOC staff members to participate in the Third Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Exchange Forum on Synergistic Promotion of Disability Rights and Services held at Shenzhen University, deepening collaboration with Mainland organisations on the promotion of equal opportunities and the rights of people with disabilities.
EOC Expresses Concerns Over Restaurant Denying Entry to Wheelchair User, Communicates Proactively with the Catering Industry to Strengthen Education
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is highly concerned about a recent incident in which a wheelchair user was denied entry into a restaurant and prevented from enjoying dining services. The EOC has been promoting the importance of providing a barrier-free environment and universal accessibility to various sectors. In response to the incident, the EOC is proactively working with representatives of the catering industry to explore ways to provide support to staff of the industry to enhance their understanding of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO), and to remind the industry of the best practices for providing dining services to people with disabilities, thereby accommodating customers with diverse needs.
EOC Recognises 270 Premises in the First Universal Design Award Scheme
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held the award presentation ceremony of its inaugural Universal Design Award Scheme (the Scheme) today (1 November 2024) at the HKJC Auditorium of Hong Kong Palace Museum. The award ceremony served to recognise organisations with outstanding contributions in implementing universal design, and motivate more organisations to adopt such practices, with a view to enhancing the accessibility of Hong Kong. Officiating at the ceremony as the Guest of Honour was Mr Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, Chairperson of the EOC and Dr James WONG Kong-tin, Chairperson of the Property Management Services Authority delivered the opening and closing speeches respectively. Altogether more than 300 guests attended the ceremony, including EOC Members, and representatives from the supporting organisations and awarded premises.
EOC Launches Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme Again to Promote Equality, Diversity, and Anti-Sexual Harassment Messages to Tertiary Students
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (21 October 2024) the launch of the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme (Scheme) for another year, under which 50 tertiary students will be recruited to become Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors. These students will engage in a series of experiential learning activities, including anti-sexual harassment training, to cultivate their understanding of the values of diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI), as well as deepen their awareness of sexual harassment. Applications for the Scheme are now open, with the enrolment deadline being 17 November 2024.
EOC Co-organises Recruitment Fair for Ethnically Diverse Aspirants
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), along with the Federation of Hong Kong Ethnic Communities (Federation), held the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Recruitment Fair today (20 October 2024) for ethnic minority job aspirants at the Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) in Wan Chai. There were also celebrations of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 15th Anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance at the opening ceremony of the recruitment fair.
Equal Opportunities Commission Welcomes the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2024
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the wide array of initiatives that the Chief Executive set out in the Policy Address 2024 to address the needs of various communities, improve livelihoods and foster a caring and inclusive society.
EOC Chairperson and Staff Members Visit Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired
The Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, along with the management team of the EOC, visited the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (Ebenezer) in Pok Fu Lam yesterday (14 October 2024).
EOC Launches Practical Guide for Employers to Support Employees with Dementia and Carers
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held a press conference today (26 September 2024) to announce the launch of How to Support Employees with Dementia at Work – A Practical Guide for Employer (the “Guide”). The EOC released the Guide with the aims of promoting better understanding of dementia among the general public and offering guidance for employers on supporting employees with dementia and those caring for persons with dementia. In addition to outlining the common difficulties faced by persons with dementia and dispelling the common misconceptions of dementia, the Guide provides recommendations to employers on measures they can take to facilitate employees with dementia and those caring for family members with dementia. The Guide also includes first-person stories of persons with dementia and their carers, which serve to offer society deeper insights into the challenges they face.
EOC Member and Staff Members Participate in the National Studies Course at the National Academy of Governance in Beijing
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) Member Ms Rosanna CHOI Yi-tak, along with nine EOC staff members, participated in a national studies course at the National Academy of Governance in Beijing from 9 to 13 September 2024. Organised by the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and specifically designed for the statutory bodies in Hong Kong, the course aims to enhance the participants’ understanding of the Mainland’s system and development, the latest social and economic situation, as well as Hong Kong’s role in the country’s development strategy. The Office of the Ombudsman and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data also participated in the national studies course.
EOC Holds Sharing Session on the Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (11 September 2024) held a sharing session on the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee (Third Plenary Session) of the Communist Party of China. Hosted by EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, the session enabled members of the management team to develop a thorough understanding of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session and explored how the EOC can implement the values in its work.
EOC Launches Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme 2024/25
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (2 September 2024) announced the launch of the 2024/25 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for schools. Following two successful rounds of the campaign, this upcoming scheme will have a further extended scope with awards for exemplary initiatives that promote the principles of racial equality and inclusion in schools. The EOC is extremely grateful to the Education Bureau for continuing to be a supporting organisation of the 2024/25 scheme.
EOC Chairperson Leads Staff Members to Visit the National Security Exhibition Gallery
The Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, led a group of staff members, including the management team, to visit the National Security Exhibition Gallery today (30 August 2024). Guided by the professional docents, the EOC team explored the six zones and valuable exhibits in the exhibition gallery, gaining in-depth understanding of the importance of safeguarding national security.
EOC Releases Findings of Study on Breastfeeding at Publicly Accessible Premises in Hong Kong to Echo the World Breastfeeding Week
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) released today (6 August 2024) the findings of the Study on Breastfeeding at Publicly Accessible Premises in Hong Kong. The Study found that 81% of the interview survey respondents, who had breastfed or expressed milk, believed that more breastfeeding or milk expressing facilities are needed in public places. Some respondents also expressed that existing facilities were inadequate, with inconsistent quality, unsanitary conditions and long waiting times. The Study recommends the Government to consider providing more incentives for premises to establish breastfeeding facilities. Revision to the Practice Note on “Provision of Babycare Rooms and Lactation Rooms in Commercial Buildings” issued by the Buildings Department is also recommended to encourage commercial buildings to provide more than one babycare and lactation room (BLR), as a way of relieving the shortage.
EOC Organises the “Play Smart” Joint-University Interactive Workshop on Addressing Sexual Harassment on Campus
Forty student leaders and staff members from eight universities in Hong Kong participated in the “Play Smart” Joint-University Interactive Workshop on Addressing Sexual Harassment on Campus organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (5 August 2024). Through interactive activities, including lectures, interviews, case sharing, group discussions, and role-playing activities, student leaders who organise student activities, dormitory tutors and staff supporting student activities learnt about the provisions under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) that protect students and staff from sexual harassment, and explored effective measures and techniques to prevent the unlawful act on campus. The EOC hopes that the workshop can further raise awareness of sexual harassment prevention among university students and staff members, as the universities roll out the orientation activities.
EOC Organises Accessible for All@Hong Kong Symposium to Foster an Inclusive Smart City
With an aim to encourage different sectors in society to explore ways of enhancing Hong Kong’s barrier-free environment and facilities, thereby fostering an inclusive, accessible, and age-friendly city, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (15 July 2024) organised the Accessible for All@Hong Kong Symposium at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Acting as the Guest of Honour was Ms Winnie HO Wing-yin, Secretary for Housing of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The event featured expert speakers from the architecture, housing, information and innovation technology, academia, banking, and healthcare sector, as they shared their experiences and insights with representatives from various Government departments, Legislative Council Members, and around 300 participants of the Symposium. Additionally, two experts from the mainland gave presentations on the development of barrier-free cities in the country.
EOC's Response to the Incident Involving Two Passengers with Visual Impairment Being Asked to Disembark by an Airline
In response to media enquiries about an incident in May 2024 involving two passengers with visual impairment, who were asked to disembark from the airplane of an airline after boarding and before the plane took off, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (7 July 2024) has made the following response:
EOC Holds Ceremony to Commend Schools under the Second Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held a ceremony today (5 July 2024) at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium of the Hong Kong Palace Museum to commend participating schools of the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for accomplishing their racial inclusion initiatives. Performing the ceremony today were Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong. Running for the second year, the 2023/24 Recognition Scheme was supported by the Education Bureau, and attracted participation of 158 kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.
Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassadors Take Pledge to Challenge Sexual Harassment on Campuses
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (15 June 2024) held a recognition ceremony of the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme 2023/24, presenting certificates to the 42 Youth Ambassadors who participated in the programme over the past six months. EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau was joined by EOC Members and representatives from tertiary institutions to celebrate the completion of the programme by the Youth Ambassadors.
EOC Releases Media Guidelines to Foster Bias-free Coverage of Mental Health Issues
The Equal Opportunities Commission (“EOC”) held a press conference today (7 June 2024) to announce the release of the Media Guidelines for Reporting on Mental Health Issues (“Guidelines”). Developed by the EOC in collaboration with individual members of the Advisory Committee on Mental Health (ACMH) and representative from the Hong Kong Press Council, the Guidelines serve as a reference for media practitioners, encouraging them to uphold the principles of fairness and objectivity when reporting issues or incidents related to mental health. In particular, the Guidelines highlight the importance of accurate and unbiased reporting and the proper use of language and images to prevent the stigmatisation and labelling of people with mental health needs and those in recovery.
EOC Releases Practical Guide on Guide Dogs to Provide Useful Tips for Stakeholders in Different Sectors
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held a press conference today (9 May 2024) to announce the release of a new Guide Dogs: A Practical Guide (the “Guide”), which serves to enhance public awareness and foster greater acceptance of guide dog users and guide dogs. In compiling the Guide, the EOC has taken reference of the legal protection for guide dogs in other jurisdictions and relevant local information, as well as consulted local organisations offering guide dog services, people with visual impairment and related organisations. The Guide not only covers the definition and identification methods of guide dogs, but also showcases positive and negative encounters of guide dog users. In addition, the Guide provides practical tips for stakeholders in different sectors, including transport, restaurants and hotels, managers of premises and employers, with a view to protecting the rights of guide dog users in various public domains.
EOC Welcomes New Member and Extends Gratitude to Outgoing Member
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the announcement by the Government today (3 May 2024) on the appointment of Dr Vincent WONG Wai-lun as a new Member of the EOC, and the re-appointment of existing Member Mr Simon LAM Ken-chung by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. They will serve a two-year term with effect from 20 May 2024.
EOC Stages Racial Diversity & Inclusion Sports Day 2024 to Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Race Discrimination Ordinance
With 2024 marking the 15th anniversary of the coming into force of the Race Discrimination Ordinance, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) kicked off celebrations for this milestone by successfully organising the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Sports Day 2024 today (21 April 2024) on the campus of the Event Partner The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Officiating at the ceremony were Mr CHEUK Wing-hing, GBS, JP, Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government, Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, SBS, Chairperson of the EOC, and EOC Members.
New Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission swears to uphold Basic Law and bear allegiance to HKSAR (Issued by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR)
Ms Linda Lam Mei-sau will assume the office of the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission tomorrow (April 11), succeeding Mr Ricky Chu Man-kin.
Ms Lam today (April 10) took an oath, which was administered by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, and swore that she will uphold the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), bear allegiance to the HKSAR of the PRC and serve the HKSAR conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity.
EOC Launches Bus Body Campaign to Promote Racial Inclusion through Sports
The year 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO). To kick-off celebrations on this important milestone, the Equal Opportunities Commission is organising a Racial Diversity & Inclusion Sports Day (Sports Day) on 21 April 2024 (Sunday). To promote the Sports Day and the 15th Anniversary of the RDO, the EOC launched a bus body advertising campaign on 8 April 2024, with 50 buses displaying the advertisement for three weeks.
Equal Opportunities Commission Hosts Film Screening with Audio Description to Foster an Accessible Society
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (24 March 2024) organised a film screening with audio description in a cinema for around 100 members of various organisations serving people with visual impairments. Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin, Chairperson of the EOC and Dr Ferrick CHU Chung-man, Executive Director (Operations) of the EOC joined the participants to watch the audio description version of the “Under the Same Sky” short movie series, highlighting that individuals with different abilities and needs can enjoy equal participation in community activities.
EOC Rolls Out a Host of Initiatives to Mark IDERD 2024
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) 2024 (21 March 2024), the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is rolling out a series of initiatives. Among these is a bus-body advertising campaign launched on 19 March, which featured 50 buses displaying the advertisement for three weeks along various routes.
EOC Fully Supports the Passage of Safeguarding National Security Bill
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (20 March) welcomes the passage of the Safeguarding National Security Bill by the Legislative Council. The EOC will do its utmost to support and facilitate the effective implementation of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance by the Hong Kong SAR Government, so as to safeguard national security and protect the interests of Hong Kong residents.
EOC Welcomes SAR Government’s Appointment of Ms Linda Lam Mei-sau as New Chairperson
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the SAR Government’s announcement today (19 March 2024) that the Chief Executive has appointed Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau as its new Chairperson for a term of three years, effective from 11 April 2024. Ms Lam will take over from Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin, whose term will expire on 10 April 2024.
EOC Welcomes the Government’s Enactment of Legislation in accordance with Article 23 of the Basic Law
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the Hong Kong SAR Government’s decision to initiate public consultation and legislative work on Article 23 of the Basic Law. This would further improve the legal system, safeguard national security, and ensure the continuous and stable development of Hong Kong.
EOC Calls for Applications for Hong Kong’s First Universal Design Award Scheme
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (1 February 2024) the launch of Hong Kong’s first Universal Design Award Scheme 2024/25 (UDAS). The scheme is now open for application until 15 April 2024. Organised by the EOC for the first time to recognise public and private organisations with outstanding contributions in implementing universal design, the UDAS encourages the sharing of good practices in creating inclusive environments, while motivating more organisations to adopt such practices with a view to enhancing accessibility in Hong Kong.
EOC Gives Legal Assistance in a Disability Discrimination Case
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (30 January 2024) issued legal proceedings under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO), Cap. 487 in the District Court, on behalf of a person (the Claimant) who previously worked for a company (the Respondent) that operates piano learning centres. The Claimant worked as a Customer Service Officer at one of the branches of the Respondent.
EOC Kicks Off the Second Edition of Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme to Promote Equality and Inclusion to Tertiary Students
Following the inaugural launch of the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme in 2022, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is organising the Scheme again this year. An orientation gathering was held today (27 January 2024) to officially kick off the Equal Opportunity Youth Ambassador Scheme 2023/24. The event was attended by EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin, Convener of Community Participation and Publicity Committee of the EOC Mr Gary WONG Chi-him, and EOC Member Ms Queenie CHAN Lai-kwan. In addition to sharing the EOC’s vision and work in promoting equal opportunities, a few Youth Ambassadors from the first cohort also shared their experiences at the event.